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October 2024 | Raccoon River Valley Trail Association Newsletter

Updated: Oct 25, 2024

Great News!

The “Lighted Bridge” on the east edge of Adel which has been closed for repairs and updates for the past few months will be opened Saturday the 19th of October! This is great news because it essentially prevented trail passage for the Loop without any trail bypass. This resulted in forcing riders to find their own way around it, which had many riding the shoulder of Hickman Road until they could get back on the trail.

While it is always not ideal to close parts of the trail for riding, keeping the trail in top condition is better for us in the long run. As funding is secured for trail improvements such as bridge replacements and resurfacing some closures and bypass is unavoidable. The county has decided to make all future repairs/replacements concrete vs. asphalt. Concrete has proven to last much longer which will minimize downtime or closures in the future.

Plans for the future include repaving part of the trail between Adel and Waukee, and plans are in process to repave the spur from the loop up to Jefferson. If you are a regular rider of the trail you’ve probably noticed several temporary closures in various spots along the trail this season. The tunnel just north of Kinship brewing presented quite a challenge with a gravel bypass and a bit further north drainage installation caused a temporary closure. Whenever possible the cities and counties try to accommodate “workarounds” when projects impact the trails. We apologize for any inconvenience! As you may imagine, when a trail (one of the longest paved trails in the country) gets in the way of projects, challenges occur. As we are notified of construction issues, we will post updates. Check back here often for updates!


Fall Riding on the RRVT

This time of year is a great time to take a ride on the trail! The weather is perfect for riding, with cooler temperatures, lower humidity, and the beautiful fall colors. If you have ridden much this summer, no doubt your bike has a “few” mulberries as proof of your mileage! Those are gone now, and walnuts are making their fall appearance! While the walnuts do not glue themselves to your bike, be careful when riding through those spots. Not only to avoid riding over the nuts, squirrels are present getting ready for winter.

We have seen pheasants, with chicks in tow, crossing the trail as well as other wildlife along the trail. The fields are in various stages of harvest and the towns with grain elevators are buzzing with activity. Many of the towns decorate for Halloween and Thanksgiving, and for the hearty riders Christmas décor, too! There are plenty of interesting sights to enjoy and lots of establishments to stop for refreshments and food and treats. If you are interested in planning a ride, we have added an itinerary page with several suggested rides to help you plan. We will continue to add to these and if you have a favorite ride, of any distance, feel free to send us a note!

2025 RRVTA Banquet

We continue to work on making our annual banquet a fun and worthwhile event to attend. As you may know, this is our big fund-raising event for the year. If you have never been to one, make plans to attend this fun event! We have interesting speakers, many fun bike related and other items to bid on and great food. This year the date is February 15th, (maybe a great day after Valentines Day date?)  The venue is very nice with lots of room, and you may attend as a “single” or arrange a table for your group or company. Many sponsorships are available and any donations to the cause in the form of an auction item is greatly appreciated. Our Board is 100% volunteer and funds are used to promote the trail and provide information. Our Banquet Committee spends many hours setting up, gathering items for the auction, and making sure everything works without a hitch! Although February seems like a long time away, if you would like to help with a donation item(s) please let us know! Thanks!

Event Details:

  • Date: February 15

  • Time: 5:00 PM

  • Venue: Country Lane Lodge, Adel

We have an evening full of great food, entertainment, guest speakers, and silent and live auctions. Please mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details. We look forward to celebrating with you!

Support the RRVTA

As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, the Raccoon River Valley Trail Association (RRVTA) relies on the support of many individuals and organizations to promote and enhance our historic and Hall of Fame trail for enjoyment by local and nationwide trail enthusiasts.

We hope that you will join other supporters by considering a donation to the historic trail so that we can continue sharing this unique opportunity throughout the state and the country. Your support helps attract trail users who generate business for the communities along the trail and the state of Iowa.

The RRVTA is an all-volunteer operated organization, and we are thankful for your consideration of joining us to continue improving the trail experience for its local and national users!





100% of proceeds support RRVT





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